Nebraska Department of Economic Development Awards $10,000,000 for Rural Workforce Housing Land Development
March 27, 2023 (LINCOLN, NEB.) – The Nebraska Department of Economic Development (DED) has awarded $10,000,000 in American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds (SLFRF) to twelve rural Nebraska communities. The Rural Workforce Housing Land Development Program was created under LB 1014 to respond to the negative economic impacts of the coronavirus public health emergency. Awarded projects will revitalize communities that were disproportionately impacted by the pandemic by increasing long-term housing stability.
DED opened applications for the program on November 15, 2022. DED received 27 applications totaling over $19 million in funding requests.
The funds awarded through the Rural Workforce Housing Land Development Program will aid communities in their economic recovery from the negative impacts of the COVID-19 public health emergency through projects resulting in the preparation of land for workforce housing pursuant to the Nebraska Rural Workforce Housing Investment Act in conjunction with the Rural Workforce Housing Fund (RWHF) program.
Rural Workforce Housing Land Development Program Awardees
• City of North Platte - $1,000,000
• City of Central City - $1,000,000
• City of Hastings - $750,000
• City of Alma - $1,000,000
• City of Red Cloud - $1,000,000
• City of Saint Paul - $1,000,000
• Village of Pender - $1,000,000
• City of Beatrice - $1,000,000
• Village of Bertrand – $491,260
• Village of Palmer - $535,970
• City of McCook - $1,000,000
• Village of Arnold - $222,770
"Receiving the grant of course is very exciting for the city of North Platte,” Mayor Brandon Kelliher said Tuesday. “It affords our community a great opportunity to resolve some expensive and difficult housing challenges.”
The North Platte Area Chamber & Development Corp. cosponsored the application by the city, which will match the grant with $250,000 worth of city funds and in-kind contributions such as staff time.
Chamber President and CEO Gary Person told the council in January that his members decided to forgo applying for help with another round of Shot in the Arm housing construction incentives because the city’s need to clean up decrepit properties is so acute.
“It’s a great infusion of capital that was really needed to springboard that project forward,” Person said Tuesday. “Once again, the state proved to be a fine partner for North Platte.” (
excerpts of NP Telegraph, March 29, 2023)