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  • Honoring 30+ years of Member Loyalty

    Honoring 30+ years of Member Loyalty

    Recognition of Loyalty Program
    Beginning in June 2024, our team decided to begin honoring Chamber Members who have reached 30+ years on their anniversary months with a certificate, staff visit, and social media post. During these staff visits we are able to connect with the heart of our organization, the people. We are updating information, answering questions, and getting to know them better. 
    Our Members help drive our organization and by creating meaningful opportunity for the community to succeed, we will all move forward, together.
    See more about our program from KNOP-TV News 2 here, and follow our facebook page for frequent photos our Members receiving their Recognition of Loyalty certificates! We have 43 Members celebrating over 30 years membership in July 2024, so check back often!
    Cassie Condon
    Vice President of Operations | Communications Director


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