• Committees

  • NP-Area-Chamber-Committees-(1)_Page_1-w1000.jpg
  • Economic Development Committee

  • Economic Development Committee- NP Chamber & Development
  • Mission: Provide assistance and support to the recruitment of new business to our community and county.

    Committee Members: Selected each year by the new Board of Directors Chair, members are from the Platinum level of the Economic Growth Champions.

    Meetings:  The first Tuesday at Noon in the Chamber & Development Board Room.

    Contact: Gary@nparea.com

  • Rail Park Committee

  • Rail-Park-Committee-2023.JPG
  • Mission: Provide assistance and guidance with the development of the Hershey Industrial Rail Park. 

    Members: Selected Board Members & staff

    Meetings:  As needed

    Contact: Gary@nparea.com or Cassie@nparea.com

  • Agri-Business Committee

  • Agri Business Committee NP Chamber & Development
  • Mission: To act as a supporter of the agricultural community by promoting cooperation between ag producers and businesses in West Central Nebraska.

    Events: This committee organizes the Farm & Ranch Expo in February, agricultural education tours in September and the Farmer Rancher Appreciation Banquet in November.

    Meetings: Every 3rd Thursday at Noon in the Chamber & Development Board Room
    (Check Chamber Calendar for changes)

    Contact: Gary@nparea.com or Marla@nparea.com,  308-532-4966

  • Ambassadors 

  • Ambassadors Committee 2022
  • The North Platte Ambassadors endeavor to be a prestigious and forceful influence in support of the programs and efforts of North Platte Area Chamber of Commerce & Development Corporation, working to build and maintain within the Chamber sufficient manpower and finances to allow the advancement of its programs and efforts. The activities of the Ambassadors include the following:

    • Meet and greet persons and groups from industry, business and government as well as dignitaries that visit the City of North Platte.
    • Attend and represent the North Platte Chamber & Development Corporation at open house events of North Platte and Lincoln County businesses.
    • Represent the North Platte Chamber & Development at area parades.
    • Make periodic calls on all North Platte Area Chamber & Development members and serve as liaison between such members and the Chamber Board.

    Events: Patron Party in the Spring and the Golf Classic the third weekend in August.

  • Hostesses

  • Hostesses 2024
  • The Hostesses endeavor to be a prestigious and forceful influence in the community and for the North Platte Area Chamber of Commerce and Development Corporation. Hostesses shall work to build and maintain sufficient membership and financial resources to support and promote those programs that would be beneficial to the local community and the North Platte Area Chamber of Commerce and Development Corporation. The activities of the Hostesses include the following:

    • Meet and greet individuals and groups from industry, business and government that visit the North Platte area.
    • Attend and represent the Chamber at Open House events of area business/industry.
    • Make periodic calls on Chamber members and serve as liaison between such members and the Chamber Board.

    Events: Contribute support and sponsorship each year to several NebraskaLand Days activities such as the popular "Lunch with the Wild Bunch” and the “Kids Costume Parade".

  • North Platte Young Professionals

  • North Platte Young Professionals
  • Mission: To create and retain young leaders ages 21-40 in our community.

    Vision: To create strength in the workplace by developing individuals in an informal, yet professional setting.

    Power Hour: Every 2nd Thursday at Noon at NebraskaLand Bank Main Branch
    ​YP After Hours Social: Periodically throughout the year- watch Chamber calendar for updates

    Contact: cassie@nparea.com 

    Download a Membership Application Here!

  • Governmental Affairs

  • Governmental Affairs Committee 2023
  • Provides a forum on local, state, and national legislative and regulatory issues and advises Chamber & Development Board of Directors on Statements of position on such issues.

    Every Thursday during Legislative Session
    8:00am | Chamber & Development Board Room and via Zoom
    Session ends in June

    Contact: Gary@nparea.com or Cassie@nparea.com 

  • Leadership Lincoln County

  • LLC Classes 2022
  • Vision: To strengthen our community one person at a time by providing experiences to increase awareness and stimulate involvement.

    Goals: Educate participants about the function and challenges of our community. Focusing on challenges that relate to the business community and the future direction of Lincoln County.  This program strives to develop a pool of knowledgeable and influential individuals who will better serve their organizations and provide an expanded source for which to draw civic leadership. 


    Committee: Every 4th Tuesday at Noon in the Chamber & Development Board Room

    Sessions: Every 3rd Tuesday from August to May with a graduation program for those who complete the required amount of class hours.

    Contact: Cassie@nparea.com

  • Upcoming Events
